Sheboygan Wisconsin Charter Fishing
Provided by Captain James Schlegel of Sea Dog
Sportfishing Charters of Sheboygan, with contributing reports
from other area anglers.
2013 Fishing Reports
SHEBOYGAN CHARTER FISHING REPORT - by Captain James Schlegel, March 1, 2013
Last year Sheboygan witnessed one of the best fishing seasons to date. The Wisconsin DNR charter fishing harvest report was just released, and confirms that fact. Area captains had a 36% harvest increase from the previous year. Sheboygan charters caught 24,804 fish during the 2012 fishing season on 2314 trips. That's an average of 10.7 fish per trip and an amazing catch rate. The majority of those fish being good sized chinook salmon. Sheboygan charter bookings were also up 14% over the previous year. The 2012 fishing season was considered one of the most successful ever here in Sheboygan. The charter fishing season is now just around the corner and all indications look promising for another great year. Sheboygan is still one of the best ports in Wisconsin for Lake Michigan charter fishing. This should not be a surprise considering how busy the port was with fishermen all season long. For many years I've provided a detailed report of the area's charter harvest to the local fishing club for review. I am again pleased to be able to submit a report that verifies a healthy and productive sport fishery. The Lake Michigan salmon fishing here in Sheboygan is still a Great Lakes success story and the envy of most sport fisheries in the world. Over the past 30 years as a Sheboygan fishing guide, it's been my pleasure to meet and visit with the thousands of fishing visitors to our area and wish all a very successful fishing season.
MAY 25, 2013 - Captain James Schlegel
We fished this afternoon just north of the commercial fishing nets in 80 to 110 feet of water. Went 9 for 14 catching all coho salmon and a big rainbow trout. Most of the fish were taken in the top 15 of water on rattlesnakes and the smaller orange dodgers and flies.
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JUNE 1, 2013 - Captain James Schlegel
We fished all weekend long just south of town in 80 to 120 feet of water. We worked near the commercial fishing nets both inside and out. We were targeting fish in the upper 15 feet of water using the small orange dodger and flies as well as some old school rattlesnakes. Had one of the best weekends of the year catching a variety of salmon and trout. We landed a huge 25.87 lb. chinook salmon on Saturday morning using a dodger on a downrigger set 60 foot deep. The water temperature continues to be cold in the forties.
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JUNE 7, 2013 - Captain James Schlegel
We fished everyday south of town in 80 to 120 feet of water. Fishing is now becoming a little more consistent. Had a good rainbow trout beat down this morning going 14 for 20 catching 10 rainbows, 3 cohos and a king salmon. We trolled the smaller orange dodgers with peanut flies behind planner boards. Also had some success using a variety of rattlesnake spoons.
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JUNE 18, 2013 - Captain James Schlegel
It's my first day off the water in two weeks due to high winds. We are still fishing offshore in 80 to 160 feet of water searching for rainbows, cohos and a few kings. We have been fishing south of the harbor focusing on the top 20 feet of the water column. Trolling spoons and the smaller dodger flies on flat lines and 2 color leadcores have worked best. On Saturday June 16th Meagan Bradley who has been taking her dad fishing with us for years landed a 15.79 pound rainbow trout. Congratulations Meagan!
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JUNE 27, 2013 - Captain James Schlegel
I've been fishing every day now in 120 to 140 feet of water straight out of the harbor. Mainly catching cohos, rainbows and a few kings. The cohos and rainbows have been taking small spoons such as rattlesnakes and the smaller dodger and flies trolled behind planner boards. The kings are hitting a variety of custom 8" dodgers set on downriggers 70 to 90 feet deep. We are also having some luck with a 300 copper line. Lake water is still cold for this time of year and plenty of bait fish available for big healthy fish.
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AUGUST 14, 2013 - Captain James Schlegel
Its been a busy fishing season, being out on the water every day. I've been fishing around the harbor the past few weeks catching double digit catches of kings and brown trout of all sizes. The past few days we have been having good success fishing offshore in 150 to 250 feet of water catching a variety of fish. Pictured is the largest registered salmon caught out of the port of Sheboygan so far this season. It was caught right out in front of the lighthouse in 35 feet of water on August 1st and weighed 30.90 pounds.
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AUGUST 18, 2013 - Captain James Schlegel
Stable weather has arrived and I've been fishing in 80 to 110 feet of water just north of the harbor. Double digit catches of king salmon of various sizes have been the norm all week. Went 13 for 17 this morning fishing the same general area. Most of the hits are on standard sized Pro-Kings. This is sure the year of the big fish, when 20 pounders are caught on a daily basis. Thanks to all that participated in this Saturday mornings club fishing contest, and congratulations for all the fish entered. The club member winners received $100 for the largest fish of each species caught that day. All prize money was rewarded except for the brown trout which none were registered that morning.
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AUGUST 30, 2013 - Captain James Schlegel
I've been fishing in 100 to 125 feet of water just north of town this morning. Caught our 3 person 15 fish limit by 9:00 am. We had good steady action catching kings, cohos and rainbows. Best action was using small spoons on lead core lines and dipsy divers. We have been consistently coming in with double digit catches despite the constantly changing weather conditions. All the fish this year are larger then average as indicated by the Sheboygan fishing club's "Big Fish Board".
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SEPTEMBER 6, 2013 - Captain James Schlegel
I fished today in 90 to 110 feet of water just north of town. Caught our 2 person limit by 7:00 am this morning. We used a fly and dodger set up on the riggers and small Pro-Kings on the diver rods. The water was warm in the sixties from top to bottom. My other boat fished the harbor area and caught several big kings and some brown trout.
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SEPTEMBER 10, 2013 - Captain James Schlegel
I fished the harbor area the past few days and it was a big king beat down this morning. Went 17 for 20 something fishing straight out side the gap. The water was warm in the upper 60's but the mature salmon are staging around the harbor preparing for their fall run upstream. We caught 5 cohos and 12 kings using a variety of spoons and plugs.
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SEPTEMBER 20, 2013 - Captain James Schlegel
Well the strong winds finally let up and we fished the harbor area all day. Got our first Great Lakes Grand Slam of the season catching all five species of salmon and trout. I fished both inside and outside of the harbor using a variety of plugs, spoons and stick baits. All worked equally well trolling back and forth through the river water exiting our harbor gap. The water temperature has dropped today to the mid fifties after the strong southeast winds.
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SEPTEMBER 29, 2013 - Captain James Schlegel
I fished the harbor area this morning and it was a big coho beat down. Went 17 for 20 something fishing the harbor area. After the big southeast blow, the water cooled down into the lower 50's. The mature salmon are now staging around the harbor preparing for their fall run upstream. We caught 9 cohos and 6 kings and 2 browns using a variety of spoons and plugs. Sheboygan's club fishing contest ends at the end of the month of October. This year's entries have been some of the biggest in years.
View a short video of our fishing trip
OCTOBER 28, 2013 - Captain James Schlegel
That's all folks! The boats are out of the water and being prepared for next season. Thanks to all that made this year a fun and rewarding season, even though the weather didn't always cooperate. This years constantly changing weather patterns made this seasons fishing a challenge, but still produced some exceptional fishing. It was my best season for big trophy fish of all species in many years. It was my pleasure sharing these experiences with all my guests this summer. On behalf of my crew and good friends, thanks for your trust in choosing Sea Dog Sportfishing Charters and hope to see you all again next season.
Or call 920-918-2628 for reservations
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